× Aerowisata Corporate Site Aerowisata Food Service Aerowisata Hotel & Resort Aerojasa Cargo
Line Of Business


Armed with the working procedures in accordance with the principles of Health, Safety, Environment (HSE)..


Contact Center

Aerotrans offers one-stop solution through its contact center with runs for 24-hour a day. Our Contact Centre



Aerotrans has develop Integrated System called AIMS (Aerotrans Integrated Management System)

- Profile

About Us

Established with commitment to deliver a perfect quality of service, PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia is a well known by Aerotrans as its Brand. Aerotrans started its journey in 1988 under name PT Mandira Erajasa Wahana (MEW) as Aerowisata business unit.

  • 24 hour contact center
  • Fully equipped with safe equipment
  • built to support TCC (Transportation Control Center)
-What We Offer-

Our Products


Car Rent

Vehicle Rentals Present with the short-term rental services is intended to meet seasonal and incidental transportation needs.



Vehicle Rentals Present with the short-term rental services is intended to meet seasonal and incidental transportation needs.


Fleet Management System

Fleet Management Aerotrans present offering a standart of practicality and comfortable by Aerotrans Fleet Management


ATS Parts

Vehicle Rentals Present with the short-term rental services is intended to meet seasonal and incidental transportation needs.


Aerotrans Bid

Vehicle Rentals Present with the short-term rental services is intended to meet seasonal and incidental transportation needs.


ATS Training Center

Vehicle Rentals Present with the short-term rental services is intended to meet seasonal and incidental transportation needs.

-Our News Events-

Latest News & Events Feed


Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Aerotrans Annual Report 2024

On June 24, 2024, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the Fiscal Year 2023 of PT Aerot ...

24 June, 2024

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
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6 January, 2024

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Aerotrans Annual Report 2023

PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia Annual Report, Book Management Report 2022

It will be held ...

3 July, 2023

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with DPP FK-KBIHU

On May 9, 2023, PT Aerotrans Services Indonesia (Aerotrans) has signed a Memorandum of Understand ...

9 May, 2023